Shooting for ‘Amp’ magazine

In order to take the photographs for my front cover and double page spread I asked my friend, Rosie, to model for me as Elly Jackson from La Roux. Me and three of my classmates decided to rent out the photo stuido in our college for two hours in order to take our cover and double page spread photographs. We helped each other by modelling for one another and helping with costumes and styling. As a photography student, I had some previous knowledge of using the studio and college equipment which was quite helpful.

We decided on a time and day that we were all available to work in the studio and we booked out the time. On the day we each spent 30 minutes to take our photographs and as there were four of us, this took two hours to complete.

I decided to use the hot lights that are attached to the cieling in the studio and I also set up two hot lights on stands which I was able to move around. I set up a black backdrop behind my subject as I decided that I wanted to use a black background for my front cover. This is because the genre of my magazine is indie rock and I wanted it to fit with this genre.