Category Archives: Home

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my AS Level Media Studies blog. I will be using this web-space to upload all of my research, planning and my final pieces of work. I hope you will be able to find your way around easily; the navigation bar is at the top of the page and should direct you to all of the pages you wish you take a look at. My final piece of coursework will be my very own music magazine which will consist of a front page, contents page and double page spread (at minimum). All of the work that you see on this blog will focus around magazines; you should find a few in-depth analysis’ of music magazines that are currently available in the UK and that have influenced my work. You will also be able to view some comparative studies of different types of music magazines, all of the elements of planning that it took to create my final piece of work and my final evaluation. I hope you enjoy my work.