Category Archives: Double page spread article development

Double page spread article development

Articles/interviews I gathered information from

In order to write my article on Elly Jackson, I had to do some research on her. I decided that the best way to gather true information straight from the woman herself would be to watch interviews with her that had been posted on YouTube. Three of the links above will take you to youtube videos and the others will take you to articles/web pages that I found useful when gathering information.

Whilst watching the interviews on YouTube and reading the articles, I wrote out some bullet points on Microsoft Word which I later developed and used for my article. You can readthe bullet points that I wrote up below…


  • Eleanor Kate “Elly” Jackson was born in South London on 12th March 1988.
  • First interest in music revolved around folk music which she says her dad played when she was a young girl. He was into music and taught himself to play guitar in his young teens; he wanted to give Elly the pleasure of being able to play as well.
  • He played a lot of folk music when Elly was young such as Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, Nick Drake, Joni Mitchell, and Carole King.
  • Met Ben, who is her partner in the band “La Roux” at a New Years Eve party in Brixton where she was singing for Jason Bacon who phoned Ben and told him that he needed to listen to Elly.
  • Likes to create music using acoustic instruments although La Roux’s music is very techno.
  • In her teens, Elly’s taste in music changed when she became involved in the rave scene. She likes artists such as David Bowie, Depeche Mode, Erasure, Madonna, Prince and The Knife and is influenced by these artists. She says that she didn’t want to go down the road of ‘singer-songwriter’, she fell out of love with folk music and began to dislike the sound of the acoustic guitar in her music. Because of this, her music is much more electronic.
  • Elly doesn’t like what is perceived as ‘normal’ in fashion. She likes to experiment with fashion and her style has been described by many as androgynous. Jackson opposes being made to look more feminine by stylists.
  • First album “La Roux” was nominated for the Mercury Prize in 2009.
  • It took, from beginning to end, 5 years to create the first album.